Weekly march to parliament

October 8th, 2009

40 percent  by 2020Hi everyone, join us in the weekly march to parliament. The march has the motto “I’m willing to change so the climate doesn’t have to.”

We advocate and increase awareness for a sensible CO2 reduction target of 40% by 2020 over 1990 levels. This target, recommended by signon.org.nz, is based on research (IPCC) indicating that these reduction levels have to be achieved in order to prevent the global warming of more than 2 degrees.

Meet at the Embassy Theatre every Thursday, at 5.30 pm, and walk to parliament to have a cup of tea on the lawn. Bring thermos of tea & friends! Any questions, contact Lisa (lisa_mauth@yahoo.de) or Thomas (thomas@worldsweetworld.com).

Fabric Auction in Newtown

October 6th, 2009

Newtown Plunket is about to hold its second fabric auction. This auction offers a fabulous range of fabric donated by local designers, upholsterers and retailers. All proceeds from the auction help Newtown Plunket to provide resources to local families.

Time and place
Sunday 8 November at 7pm, at Juniper (Rintoul St, Newtown, Wellington).

fabric auction

"I'm willing to change so the climate doesn't have to."

September 30th, 2009

The Weekly Walk to parliament – this is a weekly march to prepare for 24 October with the motto “I’m willing to change so the climate doesn’t have to.” Meet at the Embassy Theatre at 5.30, and walk to parliament to have a cup of tea on the lawn. Bring thermos of tea & friends! Make and bring your own placards. Any questions,  contact Lisa 021 0221 9443, lisa_mauth@yahoo.de

Wellington NZ's first Fair Trade city

September 30th, 2009

Good on you, Wellington – a great achievement to beome officially recognised as a Fair Trade city. Now we have to continue to make the right choices when buying our coffees and other trade products.


"The last knit"

September 29th, 2009

Knitting is dangerous.

Picture 1

Our latest issue

September 25th, 2009

Kia ora!

Just in case you haven’t heard, issue #7 of World Sweet World Magazine is out in shops. It came out earlier this month, just before we left for our well deserved holiday (see Hamburg is crafty below). Another absolutely beautiful cover by gifted Greta Menzies (the gal behind Hotchpotch and Gruelboy):

Making Tracks - WSW Issue 7

As a side note, we were interviewed by Nikki Whyte for the latest peppermint magazine (issue 03) – peppermint is a great Australian eco fashion magazine; have a look! We also heard that we got mentioned in the Listener, please, someone, reserve a copy for us til we’re back ;).

We’re in Seattle at the moment and will soon post about cool shops in the Northwest. Til then,


x T from WSW

Issue #5 reinstated

September 25th, 2009

Hello all,

fifthIssuein a lucky twist, we got hold of a number of #5 issues that we received back from our distributor. So here it is – for anyone who still wants to order this back issue #5.


Hamburg is crafty

September 17th, 2009

Hello from Hamburg, everyone!

We know for sure now that Hamburg is a crafty place. We discovered “Lockengeloet” today, a shop that showcases and partly creates recycled and reappropriated products.


Lockengeloet is also screening Handmade Nation tonight – an inspiring movie about makers, doers and artists in the US.

If you find yourself in Hamburg, you have to go to “Herr Max“, the yummiest cake shop around. We tried out 6 different cakes, and all where very morish. The ambience is authentically alternative independent.



Little Ladies

August 29th, 2009

There are only a couple of sleeps until the opening night of the lovely Anmea Hoskin’s ‘Little Ladies’ exhibition at Thistle Hall on Cuba St…

If you can’t wait to own a piece, she sells through her website- littleladies.co.nz


Nanageddon: The End of Craft as We Know It

August 22nd, 2009


this sounds awesome…

ROAR! Gallery invites you to Nanageddon, a new group Exhibition featuring the work of: Outdoor Knit, Di McMillan, Caroline McQuarrie, Athina Moisa, Ann Moore, Rowan Panther, Matthew Squire, Margaret Tolland, Shar Young, and KIRAN-X.

August 20th – September 12th 2009.

Nanageddon showcases artists who are hailing the revival of stitching and knitting, subverting the idea of “Nana-craft” and reclaiming the art of craft in truly revealing ways. In this exhibition, what might sound like the work of a harmless old lady, turns out to be the act of some edgy, post-modern and radical thinker.

see here for more info..