'Composter' – badge

December 1st, 2008

Reduce waste through having your own compost going. And give those worms at the farm enough to eat!

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

'Almost Irritatingly Active Customer' – badge

December 1st, 2008

This is funny – a badge for the difficult customer, who wants to know the source of any product, its carbon miles, energy efficiency, nutrient value, durability, and whether or not it’s traded fairly. Refusing plastic bags, and almost any plastic packaging also belongs to this action badge.

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

'Obsessive Switcher Offer' – badge

December 1st, 2008

Appliances use about 5-10% of the total household energy consumption just by being on stand-by. Obsessively switching off stuff also includes using only the necessary amount of lights, and of course switching them off during the day or when not on the room.

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

'Foot Power' – badge

December 1st, 2008

Land transport accounts for almost 36% of all carbon emissions in New Zealand, and the number of cars per person in New Zealand (62 cars per 100 people), is the fourth highest in the world (after the USA, Italy, and Australia). Cycling, walking, and using public transport much more frequently can help clearing up our congested cities and lowering carbon emissions.

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

Issue #4 – Making a Splash

December 1st, 2008

World Sweet World Issue #4 - Making a SplashAha aha aha!
Issue #4 is out! Get all the latest dirt on it here :). Run into shops, be happy!


Shine those shoes, sew that helmet cover…

November 19th, 2008
Intersect, the young professionals’ sustainability network has issued a challenge – to get 350 frocks on bikes on the 6th of December (Global day of Climate action). That means we have to glam ourselves up, take cycling back from the lycra-wearers and promenade through our cities looking divine. SIgn up to Intersect to join the discussion, and to find out what’s actually happening on the day.

Hoorah for changing the world, one frock at a time!


So eclectic

November 12th, 2008

eclecticQuick note about what to do this weekend: an Eclectic Jumble Sale of vintage fabric and textiles. Happening in the hall at the far end of Emmett Street, Newtown – organised by Anna Dean, SPAM INC. Sweet!



October 13th, 2008

I forgot to tell you about this event coming up this weekend: Art in Action, a show of art and craft, is on at the Philosophy House, 33 Aro Street. I was there three years ago and was really fascinated by the artists making instruments on site, a harp maker, and a violin maker. There where a lot of pretty pictures too, and the coffee and food was, hmmm… it did the job. But I’ll definitely go this weekend, it’s so worth the $10 entrance fee.

ad that

October 13th, 2008

Hello everyone,

the booking deadline for ads is Friday in two weeks. If you’re keen to make the most of this special 15% off deal, get in before the 1st of November. The next (Christmas) issue will be out 1st of December, and we’re doubling our print run. Sweet!


Otters for Owen (or 'Quick Making')

September 29th, 2008

It seems the Ponoko guys are really going in the right direction: making just got even easier now, with the introduction of Photomake. You don’t need a computer for your design anymore, no fancy schmancy vector programmes, just your imagination, paper and pen (and a camera). Congratulations, Ponoko!

» watch the video
