
May 4th, 2008

There was a bit of silence lately, but no worries, we’re still here. In fact, we were so quiet because we’re completely and absolutely working on the 2nd issue, which will be coming out on World Environment Day, 5th of June. We will be updating the site soon with new images. And, there’s a new feature – so many people have asked for it, and here it is: subscribe to issue #2 – issue #5.


Autumn Craft

April 10th, 2008

Hi everyone, another crafty fair is coming up this weekend – the Autumn Craft Festival in Lower Hutt. We’ll be there spreading World-Sweet-World-ness and will also cover two chairs during the fair. Hands on!

The exhibition will be open from 10am til 4pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Might see you there,


Mighty Mighty hot

April 7th, 2008

It was hot at Mighty Mighty Markets, humid, but not raining. And we also sold some magazines!

Mighty Mighty Markets


like a craft fair

April 3rd, 2008

well… sort of. In issue 2 (which is well underway, incidentally – thanks to all the people offering to contribute) we’ve got a new gallery ads section in the back of the mag. The idea is that it will be a bit of a showcase for creative types who are making stuff. We’ve had quite a few shop owners looking in the magpie’s nest section for goodies to stock in their shops, so we thought we should give more of you makers the opportunity to get your goods out there too. Rates are reasonably cheap and cheerful – go download the rate card here if you’re interested.


We have take-off

March 26th, 2008

Thanks everyone for coming around to our launch last Saturday at Craft2.0 – it’s been exciting to get all this positive feedback. We were so busy talking to people that we didn’t think of taking pictures of the event ourselves, so here are some, kindly provided by The Shopping Sherpa. Yey!

The Mag The Mag Makers


Dates, not prunes

March 20th, 2008

We have dates, and they are hot:
We will try to update the events regurlarly – any suggestions, drop us a line, so they stay hot!


permission to launch

March 16th, 2008


Ooh er! We got the mag back from the printers on Friday and Thomas has spent the weekend working on the website (have a peak over at and see his hard work) getting it all ready for launch next weekend. It’s all looking WONDERFUL! Thanks to Lithoprint for a speedy and beautiful job. Thanks also to all the lovely people who have been contacting us out of the blue about World Sweet World. We’ve put up a stockists page on the website, so now you know where you can get it, if you don’t want to buy it directly from us at Craft2.0 on Saturday *sniff*. We’re also in the process of talking to other shops, so keep checking back, and if you’d like to see it in a particular store near you, let us know and we’ll see what we can do.


Putting it to bed

March 3rd, 2008

Yeehaa. After quite a few sleepless days and nights, we have finally put it to bed. We’re following close behind. Goodnight.


WSW projects Flickr Group

March 1st, 2008

We have created a new Flickr Group for everyone to showcase their creations based on the projects in the magazine. We’ve made a start with the photo of our billboard covered kitchen chair. Please watch that spot, there will be more to come – for each issue, we will upload a photo for each of the projects in our magazine.

We’re excited to see what your creations of these projects look like – get a magazine, get productive, and upload your project photos!


Leap frogging

February 29th, 2008

So glad it’s a leap year. It means that we have an extra day til our print deadline. Or at least I’d like to believe that.
