Tricking up our office part 1.

Last week I had a revelation. Every room in our house has nice, handmade, inspiring things in it, apart from the office. Not only is it boring, but as I’m not a very organised person, it’s also really messy. This is not the ideal situation, because it’s the room where WSW is created, where we need the most inspiration (and where it would be useful if you could walk, rather than jumping over things filed on the floor). Because I sometimes need tricking into tidying things up (bribes, rewards, etc), I’ve decided to tackle the room as a fun project rather than a chore.

It was a a rainy weekend so my first Office Trick-Up project had to be using materials that were already in the house. I covered my boring, forest green office chair with lovely cherry-blossom fabric that had been kicking round the sewing drawer for a while. It actually made me smile when I walked into the office this morning – I’m inspired to do more… mission accomplished (or at least started)!


(ok, the before shot is actually our other office chair – I forgot to take a before photo, but I swear it was as ugly, if not uglier than this one!)


7 Responses to “Tricking up our office part 1.”

  1. Thomas says:


  2. sue says:

    you know i want to know how you did that

  3. Eva says:

    I love it! Productive procrastination is the best!

  4. blendy says:

    what a great idea! i totally want to do that

  5. tess says:

    how did you do that?? any instructions? I’m very inspired!!

  6. edith says:

    going to do this today, my chair is in desperate need of a new cover! Fanx

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