Posts Tagged ‘frocks on bikes’

Bikes and fashion go together

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

We went to Wheel Stylish yesterday, the bike fashion show in Wellington, put together by the clever folks from Frocks on Bikes Wellington at the BNZ Harbour Quays Atrium. A nice concept: bring city bikes and sustainable fashion together and show cycling can be very stylish.

The better part of World Sweet World, Hannah, was taking part in it as a model, and happily showed off pieces by kowtow. The other labels were emma, starfish, voon and de nada, and there were some pieces from hunters and collectors, all presented by a number of other beautiful models, but the actual combinations of labels and models completely escaped me, having to juggle Otis and at the same time trying to aim at moving fashion targets.

The other main ingredient of the show, the bikes: they were personal beauties and showpieces, and a handful of mamachari bikes Jason and the crew donated for the day. Tres chic – the Cycle Chic Fashion show:


Way to roll

Friday, February 5th, 2010

Here’s another Frocks on Bikes event that shouldn’t be missed:

You can celebrate summer, promote taking the lycra out of cycling and normalising it as a means of transportation, enjoy a leisure bike ride to Island Bay, fall in or out of/ be in/ stay in love with your cycling partner, and even be in two win prizes – ALL IN AN AFTERNOON!

All the info and chance to register is available on

– Thomas

Flocking for shopping, part 2

Friday, November 27th, 2009

Due to unruly weather in Wellington, Frocks on Bikes had to postpone “Flocking for Shopping” and make use of the wet weather date. The shopping and cycling event is rescheduled for Saturday, the 12th of December now. Join in!

Frocking and flocking

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Hello everyone,

get your frocks on this Saturday and cycle to Martha’s Pantry at 10.30am, to join the Wellington Frocks on Bikes people for cycling and shopping fun. The motto: “Shop ’til you puncture!”. So while you get to see interesting shops with a bunch of like-minded gals, you can at the same time promote Lycra- and sportsgear-free inner city cycling

Here’s the programme for the morning:

Meeting spot #1: Rendezvous at 10.30am at the delightful Martha’s Pantry for a cup of tea and a safety talk (situated just off upper Cuba St on the bypass). At 11am we will set off for a little leisurely cycling to our first frock-stop: ‘Emma’ in Berhampore is offering “nana treats”, so the ride across town will be well rewarded.

Meeting spot #2 and #3: If you’d prefer, feel free to meet us at Emma in Berhampore (476 Adelaide Road) 11.30am; or at Pixel Ink/People’s Coffee on Constable St at 12.15pm.

More info on, under “Flocking for Shopping”.