Posts Tagged ‘craft market’

Craft 2.0 this Saturday!

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

We’re excited to announce that we’ve managed to track down a limited number of back issues which have been sold out for a while now, so for our last hoorah at our favorite fair this weekend, we’ll have some COMPLETE SETS of World Sweet World for sale.

As well as the sets, we’ll also be selling single copies of issues 3-9, so if I were you, I’d head out to the Dowse this Saturday (June 12) from 10am – 3pm to make sure you get those issues you need to complete your collection.

After the fair, if there are any left, we’ll pop them up on the website for sale, but as we’ve had lots of people contacting us, wanting to get hold of them, I can’t guarantee there will be any left by the end of the day.

Looking forward to our last fair (behind a stall anyway) for a while. There are so many fantastic stallholders on the list that I imagine we’ll be doing quite a bit of buying this time, as well. Check out the Craft2.0 blog for more info on which crafters will be there selling their wares, and hopefully we’ll see you in the Hutt in a couple of days!

Craft2.0 in Lower Hutt

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

Yeay, another Craft2.0 is juts around the corner! Come to Craft2.0 at The New Dowse tomorrow!

Picture 3

got the knack

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

spring knack

yar, tis nearly that time again… Spring Knack is on it’s way, so mark the 12th of September into your diaries for some crafty goodness in Berhampore! (Wellington)

They have just started a blog, so you can be ever-informed of the latest news

see you there

Craft 2.0…

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009


Craft 2.0 at TheNewDowse

Craft 2.0 at TheNewDowse

Its back, and ready to warm up winter… Craft 2.0 is this Saturday!

10am – 3pm at TheNewDowse in Lower Hutt (free goodie bags for the first 100 through the door…)

For a sneak preview of what will be on offer, check out the blog 

If it’s handmade you’ll find it at Craft2.0… jewellery, baby gear, hand painted tiles, tshirts, sock monkeys, handbound books, cupcakes… the list goes on

see you there!


Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

I’m really excited about an event that we’re sponsoring next month. It’s called Fabric-a-brac, and basically it’s the fabric equivalent of a huge second-hand clothes market. All those of you who have an oversized stash of fabric that you’re really not going to get through in your lifetime (or, perhaps that you want to add to), Fabric-a-brac is for you! And it’s not just for material – there will be all sorts of sewing related goodies up for grabs as well. Oh, and we’re giving away copies of World Sweet World too. What would a fair be without a few freebies :)

12noon – 4pm,  Saturday 18 April
Brooklyn Community Centre, 18 Harrison St, Wellington

Stalls are really, really, really, REALLY cheap, so do get in touch with Josie if you’re interested in selling, or getting a group of friends together to do so:

Start sorting out your sewing room – this is going to be fun! Hooray!


Get the Knack

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

We’re looking forward to catching up with folk at Spring Knack – a cute and crafty market at Berhampore School. Come down and say hello, check out the lovely babycentric stuff from Lone Moose and freerangebaby plus lots more Wellington peeps. Oh, and also, there are passionfruit cupcakes. Need I say more?


Go craft!

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

Hello everyone,
last weekend we went to the Craft Market at Pataka. What a great market – Pataka is always worth a trip, but the art gallery lent itself beautifully to a setting for a small market.

We saw a great number of talent, and some exciting cases of upcycling, for example
underpants made out of off-cuts material, paper baskets made out of newspaper,
jewellery made out of bicycle tubes, and pillows made out of old blankets.
Craft markets are a great way to get a feel for the scene and to stimulate your
senses – and this weekend Craft2.0 is on in Christchurch, at Our City O-Tautahi. Come all and have a look!

See you tomorrow,
