the visual ramblings of isel greta jane…

August 21st, 2009


Line – Drawings by Guido and Andy

August 21st, 2009



It's all happening_Guido_Anton_03

The abundant one_Guido_Anton_04

Andy Shaw and Guido Anton

Line – Drawings by Guido and Andy

Pixel Ink Gallery, 12 Constable Street, Newtown, Wellington

Runs from 2 – 20 September 2009

Bicycle get-together

August 20th, 2009


350 is organising another ‘action': Saturday, 22 August Wellington cyclists are gathering for a photo op and a group cycle ride.  The aim is to promote cycling as a low-carbon form of transportation and to raise further awareness about the need for safe cycle lanes in the city. We will start the day at 11.45am in front of St Johns by the waterfront (5 Cable St, near Mac’s Brewery) where we will form a huge 350 human/cycle sculpture, take a great photo, tell the media what we’re doing and why, and then go on a short cycle ride. Kashi Leuchs (3x Olympic Mtn Bike rider), Frocks on Bikes, Cycle Aware Wellington (CAW), avid & recreational cyclists will all be there. So come out and support safe cycling and the 350 movement.

See you there!


got the knack

August 18th, 2009

spring knack

yar, tis nearly that time again… Spring Knack is on it’s way, so mark the 12th of September into your diaries for some crafty goodness in Berhampore! (Wellington)

They have just started a blog, so you can be ever-informed of the latest news

see you there

pick a posy

August 18th, 2009

craft flower


‘Slip’ was a collaborative crochet and knit project sponsored by, for Christchurch Arts Festival, (which ran from Thursday 23 July to Sunday 9 August 2009)… If you missed out on seeing these pieces in the flesh, take a look at the Slip blog for some great images of outdoor crafty foliage!

love food, hate waste!

August 13th, 2009

Thanks to my neighbor, I have a huge stash of Listener mags in my bathroom, and every now and then, I chance upon a gem! Check out this website: for tips, tricks and recipes, and quash your food wastage!

They also have a blog


er, go bananas.


The Age of Stupid

August 11th, 2009


Crossways, Mt Vic’s Community website, has organised a screening of The Age of Stupid at the Paramount, a must-see it seems.

Screening starts at 8.30pm, and tickets are available at the door for $20, or you can book in advance at The ticket sales are supporting the trust that runs the Crossways Centre community hall, and there’s a raffle for a dinner for two and for a gift basket full on hand crafted things.

So don’t miss!


350 workshop this Saturday!

August 11th, 2009

350 is running a workshop on Saturday 15th August, called “Sign Here!”:

“Make your own sign to express your support for the 350 campaign.

[It might be something the size of an envelope that you nail to your fence or leave on a car’s parcel shelf or something sculptural or bill boardy, or the back of some curtains… Should be plenty of room at the workshop and good drying weather is being organized..]

There will two (and, by high demand, three) sessions that run from 1.30 to 3pm, 3.30 to 5pm (and perhaps 7.30 to 9pm). Each sign making workshop will cater for up to six people.

Register by sending an email to, with subject: “Sign here! 350 Workshop”, with your name and contact number, and the time that you would like to come. You will receive a confirmation by email, and a map along with an list of ‘what to bring.’

The workshop will be hosted by Willemijn Vermaat and Alexander Wright and will be held in the Wellington Wood Works workshop in Newtown.”

350-sign www-sign


Handmade 2010

August 10th, 2009



click this link to register your interest in an event celebrating all things handmade, at Te Papa, Easter 2010!

Smarten your Snapper competition…

August 10th, 2009

Craft2.o is running a rather awesome competition along with snapper

It’s free and easy to enter. The prizes are:
-a snapper loaded with $100
-a free table at Craft2.0 wellington (awesome!)
The details are on the Craft2.0 website:
and a bit of extra inspiration
You could make:
screen printed snapper cover
knitted, crochet, felted snapper covers
soft toys as snapper covers
plastic and old books snapper covers
non practical snapper covers the snapper has to work there are no rules on the size f your cover
just remember snapper cards are
- the size of a credit card
- allergic to metal
- not good inside anything too thick

Yay, why not!!