You will be missed, issue #2

March 6th, 2009

Issue #2, we miss you dearly. You have always been great company, and not let us down. Your green houses and hotties will never be forgotten. Thanks heaps for being around – you’ll live on in the houses of your owners.


Your friends and creators
Thomas + Hannah

A whole year of issues

March 4th, 2009

issue5 cover

Lots of news since the last post! Issue 5 is out now so get your mitts on a copy. You can buy it from any of our usual lovely stockists, and for those of you who’ve been finding us tricky to track down, we’re also now in all Whitcoulls stores too. We’ve got heaps of cool projects again (well, of course I’m going to say that): Making your own fondue set, making blankets out of curtains, bottling light (read it to believe it). We’ve also got an article on the lovely Heike Theis of minu, a piece on fairtrade coffee, and Rebekah Kelly lays out the options when it comes to dealing with your organic waste (we’ve even got a how-to on making your own worm farm).

Seeing as we launched in Autumn last year, that officially makes the mag one year old. Hooray and happy birthday to us (even though we already celebrated our “business idea” birthday at the end of last year. The more birthdays and celebrations you can squeeze into a year the better, I reckon).

We’ve also been celebrating for other reasons. Not to turn this blog into a me-fest, but those with eagle eyes may have spotted in Issue 5 that Hannah Gardiner no longer works for World Sweet World. Thomas and I got married last weekend, so you’ll now see Hannah Schickedanz plastered throughout the mag. Another hooray for us. Sorry to everyone whose mags have been a little late in the post over the last couple of weeks – now you know why!


'Hunter & gatherer' – badge

January 30th, 2009

Suggested by CHARLOTTE S
Discover your local farmers markets, fruit and veg stall, butchers, baker and fish monger, buy fresh, buy local and get creative and enjoy the adventure of hunting and gathering fresh produce from an array of colourful characters not just wandering around the supermarket. Support the community around you and keep it seasonal.

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

'Tree hugger' – badge

January 30th, 2009

Suggested by CHARLOTTE S
Get out there and join one of the many local projects to plant trees, be part of a new generation of native tree being planted.

They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen which has to be a good thing and although it won’t save the planet it’s a tiny step

Don’t stop there get out and enjoy all your local parks and reserves enjoy the shade of a beautiful tree and go on give it a hug.

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

R.I.P. issue #1

January 19th, 2009

With sadness in our hearts we have to announce that issue #1 has sold out now. A great adventure, and a true friend to all of us, you’ll be sorely missed.


Your creators and parents
Thomas + Hannah

Running low…

January 14th, 2009

I’ve just been having a fossick around in our store-room, and it turns out that we have VERY limited numbers left of issues #1 and #2. So if you’ve been considering collecting the whole set (for you or a friend), Now’s your time to do it – and get in quick – when I say limited, I sort of mean around 20ish…

Go, go, go!

'Mobilised radical earthling' – badge

January 6th, 2009

Suggested by ELIZA K
When discussing solutions for climate change, activism is often reduced to consumerism or “ethical consumption”. Although greening our buying is important, changing a few light bulbs and using reuseable bags is simply NOT going to be enough to solve the magnitude of the climate crisis. A massive cultural mindshift away from unbridled consumerism and economic slavery – the root causes of environmental abuse – must take place. Throughout history community demonstrations, protest and direct action have enabled such a mindshift (eg. Gandhi’s peaceful protest, The Springbok Tour in NZ, May 1968 in France etc). All over NZ, particularly in Wellington and Auckland, there are many groups that regularly organise demonstrations -get involved!

The literal definition of the word ‘Radical’, is simply “to get to the root of the problem”. Let’s do this.

Useful links:

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

Magazines everywhere

December 30th, 2008

Fear not, a shop that sells WSW magazines is never far. We’ve just updated the stockists list, and we’re now also in about 320 more shops (download a PDF of the full list).

Also, the carbon action badges list has been updated – get in there to win this cool ACME Climate Action book.

Have a good New Year’s,

'H2O hero' – badge

December 30th, 2008

Suggested by MEGAN H
Most of the times in New Zealand there’s no shortage of water. In any case, that doesn’t mean that it’s not wise to conserve it. Water generation and treatment uses a lot of energy.

On a household scale, installing aerators and toilet water savers can save heaps of water, and filling up your kettle with only as much water as you need saves energy and water at the same time.

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here

'Insulation forever' – badge

December 30th, 2008

Suggested by MEGAN H
A way to save heaps of energy, plus be cosy and snuggly at home. Just like in the pink batts ad, but preferably with wool batts.

» Get the full story on Carbon Action Badges here