Lots of news since the last post! Issue 5 is out now so get your mitts on a copy. You can buy it from any of our usual lovely stockists, and for those of you who’ve been finding us tricky to track down, we’re also now in all Whitcoulls stores too. We’ve got heaps of cool projects again (well, of course I’m going to say that): Making your own fondue set, making blankets out of curtains, bottling light (read it to believe it). We’ve also got an article on the lovely Heike Theis of minu, a piece on fairtrade coffee, and Rebekah Kelly lays out the options when it comes to dealing with your organic waste (we’ve even got a how-to on making your own worm farm).
Seeing as we launched in Autumn last year, that officially makes the mag one year old. Hooray and happy birthday to us (even though we already celebrated our “business idea” birthday at the end of last year. The more birthdays and celebrations you can squeeze into a year the better, I reckon).
We’ve also been celebrating for other reasons. Not to turn this blog into a me-fest, but those with eagle eyes may have spotted in Issue 5 that Hannah Gardiner no longer works for World Sweet World. Thomas and I got married last weekend, so you’ll now see Hannah Schickedanz plastered throughout the mag. Another hooray for us. Sorry to everyone whose mags have been a little late in the post over the last couple of weeks – now you know why!