Craft 2.0…

July 21st, 2009


Craft 2.0 at TheNewDowse

Craft 2.0 at TheNewDowse

Its back, and ready to warm up winter… Craft 2.0 is this Saturday!

10am – 3pm at TheNewDowse in Lower Hutt (free goodie bags for the first 100 through the door…)

For a sneak preview of what will be on offer, check out the blog 

If it’s handmade you’ll find it at Craft2.0… jewellery, baby gear, hand painted tiles, tshirts, sock monkeys, handbound books, cupcakes… the list goes on

see you there!


July 6th, 2009

Don’t forget to attend the meetings being held by Environment Minister Nick Smith on New Zealand’s 2020 target around the country over the coming days.  It’s really important that they have plenty of people attend who support a 40% less Co2 emission target for New Zealand.

The Wellington meeting will be held tonight at the Oceania Room, Te Papa, Wellington, from 7.30pm – 9pm.

Check out where and when there’s a meeting near you, and RSVP here.

Thanks, Houghton Valley School!

July 2nd, 2009

This morning I gave a short talk to one of the senior classes at Houghton Valley Primary School. They were great, and very patient with me as I explained stuff that they probably already knew. They did ask some great questions though, so I guess I had a bit of knowledge that they didn’t.

My particular favorites were, “how much do you earn” (little capitalist!), and “can you leave your email address when you go?”. I’m expecting a few projects to turn up in my inbox in the not-so-distant future.

Thanks for having me, guys!


Issue #3 is no more

June 21st, 2009

Thanks everyone for supporting us with your buying power over the last year. Issue #3 has officially sold out now, as well.



Thomas & Hannah

Issue #6

May 28th, 2009


In shops after the long weekend. We like it!



Subscriptions June 09

May 28th, 2009

Done! The new issue #6 is all packed up and ready to go to our subscribers. Cheers, Bonnie, the fastest stamper in the mid-west, for helping.


Workshop – Sustainable Style

May 24th, 2009

A bit behind, but oh well, it’s been a busy week.

Last weekend there was a workshop on Sustainable Style at the Southern Cross, organised by the 42collective. World Sweet World took part, showing people how to turn an old jersey into mittens and a scarf, based on the project received from Tara Robertson.

It was a lot of fun, with Emily Cotter showing how to mend/ hemm/ make something new from something old and Connie Nisbet sowing a dress out of a sheet.


Mittens.. or oven mitts!

Mittens.. or oven mitts!


'A'melie found a jersey.

'A'melie found a jersey.


The office chair: a tutorial

May 21st, 2009

Sue has asked for instructions on reupholstering the office chair, so I’ve written a quick tutorial. If you do this yourself, please email photos to joinin {at} worldsweetworld {dot} com- I’d love to see!

1. Take a photo of your chair. Before and after pics are great.

2. Turn the chair upside down and unscrew the seat from the frame. Keep the screws in a safe place.

3. Lie your piece of fabric face-down on the floor, with the seat on top of it (also facing down).

4. Cut the fabric so it’s about 10cm bigger than the seat (more is better than less though!)

5. Using a staple-gun, start stapling the fabric to the seat. Put a couple of staples in the middle of all four sides, further in than the existing staples you see. Make sure you pull the fabric nice and tight.

6. Keep working your way round the seat. When you get to the corners, be patient and staple a little bit at a time. You’re aiming to have nice smooth corners without visible gathers, when it’s looked at from the top. This can be a bit hit and miss! When you’re done, trim off the excess fabric.

7. Cut a rectangle of black fabric about the same size as the seat, and, turning the edges under as you go, staple this on to the bottom of the seat, covering the staples and untidy edges that you just made.

8. Find where the original screw holes are, and poke holes through the black fabric.

9. Reattach the seat to the frame.

10. Unscrew the back and take it off. How you do this will depend on the exact model of your chair, but remember how you did it, as you’ll have to put it back on in the same way.

11. Insert a screwdriver or a blunt knife under the plastic of the chair back, and lever the plastic off. Ours was attached in 4 places with a pop-together fastening system.

12. Unscrew the spine of the chair from the padded bit.

13. Staple your fabric on, following steps 3-6 again. It was more tricky with the back, as we were stapling into plastic this time, rather than wood, but it doesn’t have to be super neat, as you’ll cover it back up with the plastic.

14. Screw the spine back on, and reattach the plastic. I had to stand on it to do this, but then, I’m pretty weak.

15. Finally, reattach the spine to the base. Easy, eh!

Tricking up our office part 1.

May 17th, 2009

Last week I had a revelation. Every room in our house has nice, handmade, inspiring things in it, apart from the office. Not only is it boring, but as I’m not a very organised person, it’s also really messy. This is not the ideal situation, because it’s the room where WSW is created, where we need the most inspiration (and where it would be useful if you could walk, rather than jumping over things filed on the floor). Because I sometimes need tricking into tidying things up (bribes, rewards, etc), I’ve decided to tackle the room as a fun project rather than a chore.

It was a a rainy weekend so my first Office Trick-Up project had to be using materials that were already in the house. I covered my boring, forest green office chair with lovely cherry-blossom fabric that had been kicking round the sewing drawer for a while. It actually made me smile when I walked into the office this morning – I’m inspired to do more… mission accomplished (or at least started)!


(ok, the before shot is actually our other office chair – I forgot to take a before photo, but I swear it was as ugly, if not uglier than this one!)


The Great Stitch-Up

May 1st, 2009


Congratulations to the guys at unicef who have a whopping 1900 knitted squares at their offices so far, with loads more promised. They were only aiming for 1400 for their Mothers Day campaign Unite For Mothers! Good on you to everyone who got out their needles in support, including sharonnz whose peggy squares are pictured.

Now Unicef needs help sewing all the squares together to make a giant blanket to present with the petition. The first Great Stitch Up session will be on Tuesday 5th May at the Southern Cross Bar in Wellington and will start at 6pm.  A few drinks and snacks will be provided as well as needles, wool and some stitching professionals who can help those of us who need some guidance! There may also be some copies of WSW to be won. We’ll neither confirm nor deny.

What:    The Great Stitch Up!
When:   6pm, Tuesday 5th May
Where:  The Southern Cross Bar,  39 Abel Smith Street, Te Aro, Wellington. Phone 04 384 9085
Why?:   To support the Unite for Mothers campaign and raise awareness about how to prevent the transmission of HIV from mothers to their children