The Great Stitch-Up


Congratulations to the guys at unicef who have a whopping 1900 knitted squares at their offices so far, with loads more promised. They were only aiming for 1400 for their Mothers Day campaign Unite For Mothers! Good on you to everyone who got out their needles in support, including sharonnz whose peggy squares are pictured.

Now Unicef needs help sewing all the squares together to make a giant blanket to present with the petition. The first Great Stitch Up session will be on Tuesday 5th May at the Southern Cross Bar in Wellington and will start at 6pm.  A few drinks and snacks will be provided as well as needles, wool and some stitching professionals who can help those of us who need some guidance! There may also be some copies of WSW to be won. We’ll neither confirm nor deny.

What:    The Great Stitch Up!
When:   6pm, Tuesday 5th May
Where:  The Southern Cross Bar,  39 Abel Smith Street, Te Aro, Wellington. Phone 04 384 9085
Why?:   To support the Unite for Mothers campaign and raise awareness about how to prevent the transmission of HIV from mothers to their children

One Response to “The Great Stitch-Up”

  1. Nikki says:

    1900? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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