Guess what I did last …weekend

It involved glue and cardboard, and a project of the new issue #2 of the magazine. But saying more would be telling. We’re expecting issue #2 to come back from the printer this afternoon, and it’ll come out this Thursday, 5th June. Coinciding with this, the website and blog will be updated visually, and there’ll be some new stuff on the site: updated Hot Dates, a few sneak peek pictures of issue #2, and of course the option to buy issue #2 and to subscribe to issues #3 – #6.

See you then!


PS Oh, and guess what we did the weekend before that! We went to the Knack Market in Berhampore, a very cute little crafty market. There’ll be another one in a couple of months, so keep your eyes peeled!


No Responses to “Guess what I did last …weekend”

  1. tomandemma says:

    GREAT! I was just a little bit bored and looking at your website to see when the next magazine is coming out and it’s tomorrow. I’m well pleased!

  2. Rats! I was waiting to buy a subscription until after my birthday just in case someone bought me one (with a rather pointed hint on my blog)

    But no one did. And now I’m on a Fiscal Fast until the end of the month. Fingers crossed that there’ll still be a copy of issue 2 available by then…

  3. sue says:

    it’s tomorrow YAY, i’m beyond excited

  4. worldsweetworld says:

    Thank you, guys. …and guess what we did today? We delivered (and posted) issue #2 to all those lovely shops out there. So the Wellingtonians are lucky to have the magazine first, shops elsewhere will have to wait a couple of days til the packages arrive.

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