Making ideas issue #1

February 29th, 2008

This is the place for exploring ideas. In each issue, Alex from Origin Design will open an idea up for discussion.

“The opposite of love is not hate, but efficiency”

At Origin Design, we love ideas. We also know that the best ideas are those that have been shared, challenged, picked apart and shaken up, so we’ve decided to open the start of an idea for discussion in each issue of World Sweet World.

Here’s the beginning of one that I’ve been looking at through my kaleidoscope of influences lately: “The opposite of love is not hate, but efficiency”

I came across this in a book called ‘the answer to how is yes’ by Peter Block, and thought it was worth consideration. It seems to make sense in some instances but not others.

As I scrubbed dishes furiously and efficiently in the sink, my partner tried to read me poetry and got a kick in the groin for his care. In this case, my efficiency didn’t leave much room for love at all. Context determines so much.

Love takes time and care and it is greatly helped along by a pinch of spontaneity. Is efficiency about the removal of the unpredictable, so that each component (of any action or thing) is finely tuned to do whatever it does in as little time as possible? The dictionary defines efficiency as ‘productive without waste’. In that sense, it has to be an opposite of love doesn’t it? Think how extravagantly wasteful love can be.

And another thought: Love is an emotion – but so is hate. Is efficiency more an absence of emotion?

Can you be efficiently creative?

Then I thought about this point made by my all time favourite blogger, Kathy Sierra:

Love or hate

But this takes us back to the idea of opposites.
What is an opposite…?

Any thinking you may have, I’d love to hear – email:, or post your comments right here. Thanks!

3 days to go

February 28th, 2008

It seems way too recently that this was all just an idea, but here we are, going to print in only 3 days and in your hot little hands in 3 weeks! Quite exciting – tell everyone you know! You’ll be able to buy it on the website, but stay tuned for a list of our lovely stockists including Wanda Harland where we went tonight for bubby and bargains – thanks Martha and Glenn for the excuse to get out of the office!


The bike shot

February 10th, 2008

Sun, bikes, friendly people – so much fun!



More than rapid prototyping

January 17th, 2008

I like rapid prototyping, but in combination with an even more rapid 3D design process, this is just blowing my mind. Just imagine a design, draw it into thin air, and your scribbles get transfered into a 3D model by motion Capture.


A sweet as world sweet world website

January 15th, 2008

Yeehaaowou! We have a website: Well, it’s a start, so go have a look!


The beginning

December 18th, 2007

So here we are, company registration is underway, and everything’s running full steam towards the first issue. Great to have a Christmas break, that means more time for us to spend on the magazine. While there’s nothing else to look at yet, have a look at our furniture designs and things:



December 13th, 2007

Let the making begin!

we found a logo

Hannah + Thomas