Cool cool

September 29th, 2008

On a completely magazine-unrelated note, I just got this sent from a friend of mine, and it’s probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen:




Taking over the country

September 28th, 2008

We’re working on issue 4 already, and are pretty excited about it, and not just because it means we’re thinking about summer already. We’ve been talking to the good people at IMD, and they’re getting us stocked in places like Whitcoulls and Paper Plus and stuff. And we’re DOUBLING our print run! Holy Moley!

So, in celebration of World Sweet World taking making to the nation, we’re offering a special advertising deal for issue #4. If you take out an ad in World Sweet World before November 1, and get your friend to advertise too, then you’ll get 15% off both your ads. This applies to all ads, both in the sweet gallery section, and in the body of the mag. Have a look at our rate card for more info – we’d love to take you along for the ride with us. Please do pass this on to other people who you think might be interested too.


Issue 3 on felt

September 27th, 2008

Hey there

We’ve finally had a moment to pop Issue 3 up on felt, for those of you who want to buy the mag there. Support two nice, crafty businesses in one fell swoop.



September 23rd, 2008


Subscriptions, all packed an ready to go



Hi all – well, you DEFINITELY should have received your subscription in the mail by now – here’s a little pic of the beauties before they left us – all packaged up in old photocopy paper wrapping. The wrapping was kindly supplied to us by our friendly printers, Lithoprint. They’re on the Enviromark programme, and seeing as the packaging their paper comes in isn’t recyclable, they saved it for us to re-use instead. Hoorah for collaboration! We wrapped the other half of the subs in run-up sheets of issue 2. The only thing about this great idea was that it took AGES to wrap them all. If anyone has ideas on how to re-use paper for packaging, that doesn’t take for blimmin ever, let us know.


Good Morning! And Good Night.

September 18th, 2008

Hello everyone,

just wanted to tell you that the Good Morning Show is running a small World Sweet World Magazine subscription giveaway competition. Unfortunately the show was yesterday (oops, we missed it – sound asleep – has anyone seen it?), but the competition is closing next Wednesday, 24th of September, and you can win one of five one-year subscriptions. So, be resourceful, and fill out the TVNZ competition form.



Get the Knack

September 17th, 2008

We’re looking forward to catching up with folk at Spring Knack – a cute and crafty market at Berhampore School. Come down and say hello, check out the lovely babycentric stuff from Lone Moose and freerangebaby plus lots more Wellington peeps. Oh, and also, there are passionfruit cupcakes. Need I say more?


Yay hay

September 15th, 2008

Get the new issue here!And here it is: issue #3. Get it in shops around the country, buy one online or just open your mailbox (if you have subscribed). Have fun :).


Craft2.0 in Christchurch

September 8th, 2008

Craft2.0 is always an absolute guarantee for a genuine, creative and fun craft event. And the last Craft2.0 in Christchurch a couple of weeks ago was no different (uhm, two weeks ago? Where did the time go…? Must have been busy.). In coproduction with felt, it was a perfect happening, showcasing lots of clever handmade creations and products made from recycled materials. The market was held in Our City O-Tautahi, an old(ish), cute brick building next to the Avon. The whole event was smoothly run and beautifully decorated, and there was a coffe cart right outside, so everything was just perfect.

By the way, if you’re a happy owner of a Webstock Mini ticket, you are in the lucky position to experience the fine blend of craft and all things web at Craftstock, at the Paramount, Wellington, tomorrow between 6.30 and 7.15.


Issue 3 – oh yeah!

September 5th, 2008

Issue 3 - oh yeah!

I’ll skip the “oh we’ve been slaving for hours, haven’t slept in days” stuff. It’s all true, of course, but seeing as Issue 3 went to the printers on Monday, we should really be caught up on sleep by now. What this post is REALLY about, is that Issue 3 is hitting the shops on Monday 15 September! Hoorah! For all you keen-beans, why not subscribe now, and then you’ll get it in the mail bright and early? Sounds like a plan to me!

Go craft!

August 22nd, 2008

Hello everyone,
last weekend we went to the Craft Market at Pataka. What a great market – Pataka is always worth a trip, but the art gallery lent itself beautifully to a setting for a small market.

We saw a great number of talent, and some exciting cases of upcycling, for example
underpants made out of off-cuts material, paper baskets made out of newspaper,
jewellery made out of bicycle tubes, and pillows made out of old blankets.
Craft markets are a great way to get a feel for the scene and to stimulate your
senses – and this weekend Craft2.0 is on in Christchurch, at Our City O-Tautahi. Come all and have a look!

See you tomorrow,
