
April 27th, 2009
World Sweet World Editors

World Sweet World Editors

A bit of a dorky picture, but thanks,, to have an article on us!

What's new in your neighbourhood?

April 26th, 2009


A whole new magazine in the making, for the creative community in NZ and AU. It’s in its planning stage at the moment and asking for your input.

Reel good bargains

April 24th, 2009


Anton, one of our regular contributors, is having a garage sale. It’s not his house he’s clearing out, it’s his workshop where he makes (and apparently stores piles of) awesome stuff – raw materials for making things. Essentially, it’s a workshop full of stuff that someone else managed to snaffle up before you had a chance to see it. Don’t let it happen twice – be there on Saturday from 8am til middayish to score a load of goodies!

305 Mansfield Street (down the SPCA drive way), Newtown, Wellington

There will be various odd objects to make stuff out of, including, but not limited to:




a sun bed

reel to reel tape player

a microfiche

a motorbike

a tv

and other stuff…

Knitting for change

April 15th, 2009


Unicef is calling all crafty folks to knit or crochet a square as part of a campaign to help prevent pregnant mothers from passing HIV on to their children. Sign the petition and help knit a giant baby blanket! Unite for Mothers this Mother’s Day and give a mother the chance to see her child grow up healthy… the best gift a mother could have.  Unicef is aiming for 1,400 squares by Friday 1 May, which is flippin soon. So get out your needles and knit for a cause!

Hey Ms DJ

April 15th, 2009

I got a call from the lovely Nina at VBC radio (the Victoria Uni station) this morning asking if I’d be free for a quick interview at 2.30 this afternoon. How could I refuse? Tune in to 88.3 fm if you’re in Wellington and want to hear me stuttering my way through questions on air and sounding generally awkward. Yikes.


badges galore

April 11th, 2009

We were asked a few times at Craft2.0 today whether the ‘badge action mystery swap‘ was still on.

Yes, it is! And here are some examples of badges:


So, get making and send your badges to us:

World Sweet World Ltd
PO Box 9937
Marion Square
Wellington 6141




April 9th, 2009



Don’t miss the next Craft2.0 in Wellietown – see you there this Saturday!

Earth Hour

March 27th, 2009

Hi, Earth Hour 2009 is getting close. It’s on this Saturday, 8.30 (, and World Sweet World will be switching off. You too?


March 24th, 2009

I’m really excited about an event that we’re sponsoring next month. It’s called Fabric-a-brac, and basically it’s the fabric equivalent of a huge second-hand clothes market. All those of you who have an oversized stash of fabric that you’re really not going to get through in your lifetime (or, perhaps that you want to add to), Fabric-a-brac is for you! And it’s not just for material – there will be all sorts of sewing related goodies up for grabs as well. Oh, and we’re giving away copies of World Sweet World too. What would a fair be without a few freebies :)

12noon – 4pm,  Saturday 18 April
Brooklyn Community Centre, 18 Harrison St, Wellington

Stalls are really, really, really, REALLY cheap, so do get in touch with Josie if you’re interested in selling, or getting a group of friends together to do so:

Start sorting out your sewing room – this is going to be fun! Hooray!


Ideas? Anyone? Anyone?

March 13th, 2009

I’m just finalising the line-up for Issue 6 (it comes around faster for us than it does for you!). We’re after a couple of simple projects for the quick and easy section. So although we’re obviously looking for good ideas, they don’t have to be complex – basically you need to be able to explain how to make them in a paragraph. So if you have an idea, get in touch, because we’re honestly really keen to showcase your work!

Thanks – Looking forward to seeing what people come up with!

ps we’re also always open for longer projects and stories too, so if you have something you’d like to see published, have a read about the ins and outs of contributing.