permission to launch


Ooh er! We got the mag back from the printers on Friday and Thomas has spent the weekend working on the website (have a peak over at and see his hard work) getting it all ready for launch next weekend. It’s all looking WONDERFUL! Thanks to Lithoprint for a speedy and beautiful job. Thanks also to all the lovely people who have been contacting us out of the blue about World Sweet World. We’ve put up a stockists page on the website, so now you know where you can get it, if you don’t want to buy it directly from us at Craft2.0 on Saturday *sniff*. We’re also in the process of talking to other shops, so keep checking back, and if you’d like to see it in a particular store near you, let us know and we’ll see what we can do.


No Responses to “permission to launch”

  1. claribell says:

    wahoo!!! i can’t wait to get my grubby little hand on it!

    cheers guys

  2. Louise says:

    I can’t make it to Craft2.0 but I ordered my copy online yesterday. Looking forward to it!

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